It was a great day. The wedding had taken over the entirety of the castle, which was surprisingly warm and cosy on a winters day. The light hearted vicar started off proceedings with the funniest wedding service I have been to.
Between the ceremony and wedding breakfast was a falconry display. The game keeper had the birds flying through the audience. At one point I was clipped on the ear by one of the bird's wings.
Being a traditional Scottish wedding we had haggis during the wedding breakfast and a ceilidh for the dancing, which I thoroughly enjoyed! The midnight snack, was a new Scottish delicacy to me, the Square Sausage.
Weddings at the castle are obviously a well oiled routine with the minister, photographer and the man that did the falconry display all greeting each other on first name terms.
It was a fantastic day and a chance to catch up with some old friends I haven't seen in a while.
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