Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Hendrick's Gin: Refined Courtship Clinic

Thank you to Emma Barnitt from Weber Shandwick for tipping me off about the free Hendrick's Gin Courtship Clinic which took place on the weekend.

Hendrick's love to play the great British eccentric. At their Darlinghurst pop-up, they had Dr Humphrey SixWives and Mrs Isabella Forlornicate on hand to dispense courtship advice.

When I visited on Sunday afternoon there was a steady steam of people stopping by for a complimentary G&T and learning how to brush up on their manners before Valentines Day.

My tongue in cheek etiquette lesson ranged from learning how to bow correctly, appropriate dinner party conversation (the weather and physics apparently) and practising a haughty laugh to cover up any embarrassing moments.

The angle at which you hold you elbow while drinking G&T indicates whether you are a 'jolly good chap' or a 'terrible cad'. I'm pleased to report 'I am a spiffing young man'.

Despite giving an actractive young lady a rose on bended knee I came away without her phone number. Hopefully they'll be running another clinic soon and I'll have better luck!

Simon made a video of last year's event. Check it out here.

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