
Tuesday, 10 August 2010


On Sunday I took part in the iconic City2Surf, the world's largest fun run, from the centre of Sydney to Bondi beach.

I spent an hour freezing on the start line before the race began and the whole time dodging round the crowds, but it was still a fantastic day. I had a swim at the end (absolutely freezing!) and then lunch with some friends.

The official results clocked my time at 64 minutes and 20 seconds, coming 3,325 out of the 69,000 people that completed the course. That's in the top 5%!!!

It was invaluable experience to complete a race before the marathon. Key lessons learnt:
- Need to take something warm for hanging about on the start line that I can then throw away
- Trim my toe nails before race day
- Don't wear your race number too high, it rubs on your nipples (sorry)
- Wear some sun screen
- I need to learn how to drink while running

It is a shame I'm not going to be able to take part in a half marathon before the big day.

If you'd like to sponsor me for the marathon, click one of the links below. Thanks!
Oz: Cancer Council
UK: Marie Curie Nurses

Official City2Surf results are here.
Photos and videos of me crossing the line are here, although I'm not easy to spot!


  1. Well done!! The top 5% is really good and you must feel better prepared for the marathon.

    I just sponsored a little bit for that, good luck!

  2. Awesome time & top 5% is incredible

  3. WOW.

    Drinking whilst running is easy. That is why pint glasses have that bulge.

  4. that's amazing. you're a machine! i never partake in such tiring things though so i take my hat off to you for doing. yeah, it's a drag about the nipple rubbing but i guess some people are used to it :-)

  5. That is an awesome time! You hit that elusive under 65 min mark my runner friends talk about. I'd add another tip to your list: determine whether you're serious about running before you hit the end of your adrenalin rush at Heartbreak Hill and then just have 7km of evil pain in front of you!


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