
Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Poker Night

A few years ago back in London I went to some poker nights organised by a friend from work. I was never very good, but they were fun evenings during which I always lost a bit of money. (Perhaps that's why they invited me?)

I decided it would be good fun to host a poker night last Friday. There were six of us who didn't really know what we were doing attempting to play Texas Hold 'Em. It was a good evening and I think they'll be another one before not too long.

It had recently been Dave's 40th Birthday. I missed his party when I went sailing last week and hadn't bought him a present. I decided to bake him a comedy birthday cake. It turned out pretty well, although I had to make the cake a day ahead of time and it had dried out slightly by the Friday night.

Unfortunately the poker night was the start of me feeling under the weather. I've got a few posts to catch up on, but tonight is the first time in a while I have been able to look at a computer without feeling queasy.

*For the record I won the amazing sum of $5. At least it was a win!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear you weren't well. I'm sure some sunshine and cold beers will sort you out.

    I hope you don't catch SAD on the flight over to this cold windy dark island...!


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