
Thursday, 30 April 2009

Cooking: Oven-baked sausages and balsamic tomatoes

Last night I decided to cook this recipe for oven roasted sausages and tomatoes.

Very easy to cook and a nice dish for a midweek meal. I made a salad to go with the sausages, but it wasn't really needed as this a one pot meal and the tomatoes and onions provide enough vegetables. I bought a mix of three different types of sausage to try and add some variety to the dish.

For next time I would roast the sausages, onions and garlic for 30 mins before adding the tomatoes and not 15 mins as suggested by the recipe. It would be nice to get a bit of caramelisation and crunch going. As it was, the sausages and onions were only just cooked. You don't want to cook the tomatoes for any longer than the final 15 mins otherwise they will disintegrate.

1 comment:

  1. Bakes sausages are terribly unfashionable - which is why I love them! I am going to try this recipe!!


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